The Secret Garden
With Apostle Dr. Pamela S. Tavilla
If you have a prayer need send in your prayer request to the contact page on this website
and the Team and I will lift up your requests on our Team Triple Cord day of prayer and fasting.
Apostle Dr. Pamela Tavilla
Healing for the Heart of a Woman/Meet on Zoom Last Wednesday of every month.
A healing prayer line to all those needing quiet time and a word from the Lord.
A safe place where women are safe and give voice to their pain in their heart and soul,
and receive healing from the Healer, Jesus Christ/Yehsua Mashiach.
Calls come on, please be on mute until asked at end to unmute. Dr. Pamela will be leading with
opening prayer, worship, and following lead of Holy Spirit/Ruach Kodesh.
The Lord has moved in word of knowledge for healing, and also healing happens during worship and reading of Scriptures.
The last Wednesday of every month at 8:00 to 9:30 pm, EST
Every last Wednesday of 2022 as Messiah wills.
Questions on anything? Contact Dr. Pamela @ [email protected]